We offer advanced skin care solutions, customized by your personal skin therapist for your exact skincare needs.
These services require consultation as our skin therapists will confirm that the specific service requested will work with the skin’s condition at the time of service to ensure real results.
Pro Celluma LED ~ 30 minute Celluma LED treatment, the most awarded LED panel in the skin care industry. This warming treatment reduces wrinkles, lessens redness,
eliminates acne and induces collagen growth. $85
Pro Lam Probe ~ Creating flawless skin, the Lam Probe treats surfaces irregularities in
a matter of seconds with precision; Hyperplasia, Telangiectasia, Skin Tags, Milia, Cholesterol Deposits, Actinic Keratosis. $55 for 15 Minute Treatment Pro Cryo Probe ~ Age Spots are treated with precision and superficially with little down time. $65 Two Cartridges
Pro Nanoinfusion ~ Want visibly smoother skin texture with zero downtime? Resurfacing actives and professional serums are infused into skin with the unique Dermalogica Pro Pen and it’s tiny cones to maximize results with unmatched penetration without any skin irritation. $115
Pro Luminfusion ~ LuminFusion combines a targeted Customized Peel to resurface and renew, NanoInfusion technology to deeply infuse active ingredients and the Celluma LED red light therapy to visibly restore skin luminosity, increase collagen growth & diminish signs of skin aging with no down time. $125
Pro Dermaplaning ~ The Dermaplaning service combines customized mechanical and chemical exfoliation techniques. Utilizing both resurfacing and professional serums to achieve smoother, brighter skin. $125
Pro Microcurrent ~ Microcurrent stimulation has several benefits, including promoting wound healing, reducing inflammation, boosting circulation, and improving facial muscle function to tighten the skin and enhance product penetration. $115
Pro Microneedling ~ This procedure uses tiny needles to pierce the skin allowing new
collagen to grow. The treatment uses your skin’s own natural healing ability to reduce
the look of fine lines, scars and wrinkles. $145
Pro Cell Therapy ~ ProCell Therapy is a micro channeling technology with a bone
marrow derived growth hormone. ProCell has demonstrated to improve skin laxity
and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, acne scars, age spots/sunspots,
enhance hair restoration and lessen stretch marks, with as few as two to four
treatments. You’ll usually see a rapid improvement in skin tone, texture, laxity, fine
lines, wrinkles and new hair growth. $250 and up Face/Body Part Specific
Pro Radio Frequency ~ Radio-frequency treatments can be performed on the face and all over the body, and it’s known to tighten, firm, and lift the skin with little to no
downtime. $85 and up Face/Body Part Specific
Pro Plaxel Plasma Pen ~ The Plaxel Plasma Pen is a true plasma system that lifts and
tightens loose, crepey skin to improve fine lines, wrinkles and more, with very little
downtime and very minor irritation. $195 and up Face/Body Part Specific
Glowing Skin Is Always In!